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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Code-Zone / modding / 8-bit alchemy
@efro [GMT -7] Hi eric, now that I have the game installed and running on my machine, I wanted to initiate a dialogue regarding a game design that I had in mind. In fact, I worked on it a bit for an RTS project but it was left behind when my mentor went on hiatus
3:35 PM
The game alias is 8 bit alchemy and basically uses 3D voxel designs (although I'd like to swtich to clay design eventually, it requires a fair bit of artistry to make the Kronks and whatnot, so voxel desigsn will have to be the placeholder assets for the time being)...
3:36 PM
I fully expect to alter the name to better suit the art style if need be
3:36 PM
However, there are some aspects of the game that are fundamentally different from bombsquad, which I wanted to clarify, as the viability of the mod is entirely dependent upon these conditions:
3:38 PM
1. The diorama setup might be a bit too contrained with the current idea. It relies upon using (destructible) terrain elements and for players to have opportunities to retreat into safe zones, etc. In essence, the maps would need to be bigger, but also, the camera/view would have to centrally locate on player
3:38 PM
Fog of war may be a necessary mechanic as well 😦
3:38 PM
But as far as environmental changes go, that is basically it
efro [GMT -7] 10/1/2022 11:21 AM
You'd definitely be fighting the engine a bit on some of that; it is optimized to make some assumptions such as 'everything gets drawn every frame' which you definitely wouldn't want if you have big maps with only small portions visible. But technically anything is possible since that part is all open sourced. But I'm not sure whether it would be easier to get that functionality added to ballistica vs starting from scratch with a more general engine like Godot 🤔
11:23 AM
That being said, I'd welcome contributions that make the game more viable with large map situations, as that's something I'd like to eventually support natively if possible
Is the Godot engine something thar can utilize the physics based collision effects as bombsquad?
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